4 October 2023

I chose this meme because I saw it one day when I was scrolling on Instagram and immediately thought of this class. I thought it was funny that I saw something related to a mental health institute on one of my social media feeds.

HMH Blog 2023-10-03 22:45:44

Initial Proposal and Bibliography Joey Welch Hist 471 History of Mental Health in the US Dr. McClurken Initial Proposal:  This research project focuses on several segregated and non-segregated asylums from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The central goals of the project are to examine the discrepancies in the institutions and asylum’s physical and […]

Week 6 post

https://asylumprojects.org/images/9/9e/petersburg21.png This image is from the Central State Hospital in Petersburg, Virginia. (More commonly known as the Central Lunatic Asylum) This image shows several African American “insane patients” building a road. This picture struck me initially because I thought the patients were doing field/agricultural work, which was one of the main methods supervisors and attendants […]
