Possession or Hysteria?

Looking back at the Salem Witch Trials today, most people would not jump to the conclusion that the afflicted women in these cases were actually bewitched or possessed at the time. While there are lots of theories as to what happened, most scholars believe that the women were experiencing symptoms of Hysteria, which can be […]

Rosemary Kennedy

For my research topic for this semester I have decided to focus on Rosemary Kennedy. This website provides a great background to her story and how the Kennedy’s handled her mental disability. The article touches on how Rosemary became disabled and how that led to her eventual prefrontal lobotomy that left her essentially unresponsive for… Continue reading Rosemary Kennedy

Week 2

Hello everyone! This is my #Histmental2021 post for this week! This meme to me is very relevant to the class because it discusses the nature of psychiatry. Psychiatry has evolved a ton but there is no denying that some mental illnesses cannot be cured completely. This is relevant to the readings because they discuss heavily […]

New Mental health concern related to zoom.

This article from the Guardian talks about this potential new mental health condition brought on by zoom where people who have been on video conferences a lot become self-conscious about what they look like on zoom. According to the article, they are not aware of the distortion that zoom creates which causes them to stress …
