Mental Health Check-In With Everyone

Since I am currently experiencing a moment in which I have no idea what to discuss or talk about for this website entry, I just thought that it would be nice to have a quick mental check-in with you all. And yes, Professor McClurken, this applies to you too.

So how have you been? Are you doing alright? Taking mental breaks every now and then? That’s good! Be sure to drink plenty of water and rest your brain for a bit, alright? Don’t overwork yourself; take it one step at a time.

If you haven’t already, take a minute to B R E A T H E. Remember; whatever mental health concern that you may have (not assuming anything, I promise), IT DOES NOT DEFINE WHO YOU ARE.

Take care of yourself; your mental health ALWAYS COMES FIRST.

You got this! :3

d–(^ ‿ ^ )z
