I was born and raised in Richmond, Virginia, and I am currently a fifth year senior. I’m a big sports fan, and follow the NFL (Green Bay), as well as college sports (UVa). I am also an Eagle Scout, and have worked for the past six summers at numerous camps at Goshen Scout Reservation near Lexington.
My interest in history stems from my interest in genealogy. Having known all four of my grandparents, I have been fortunate enough to hear about their experiences and families. I’ve been researching my family history for about nine years now and have developed research skills that I find myself using both in my personal research and for schoolwork. One pretty cool thing I did was teach myself how to read Cyrillic (both print and cursive) in order to translate records for my family from Lithuania. I am hoping that after this semester, I will have a better understanding of how contemporary views of mental health may have influenced my ancestors lives. I am hoping to pursue a career in genealogy or in an archive such as the Library of Congress. Speaking of family, I am actually a triple legacy here at Mary Washington. My grandma graduated in the class of 1960 while my parents both graduated in 1994. If there is anything else you would like to know about me, feel free to reach out!