Problems with Pill Consumption in 1970

This article discusses former US Representative Paul G. Rogers desire to cut television ads containing the consumption of pills from TV advertisements. This is not specifically linked to prescription medications but this article demonstrates the ongoing problems with taking drugs in America during this period and links advertisements to the issue as well. Bibliography “Anti-Pill …

Digital Project Proposal and Annotated Bibiliography

Ruth Curran History 471 September 21, 2023 Digital Research Project Proposal: Tranquilizer Marketing Strategies for Women 1950-1970 This digital research project will explore how tranquilizer drugs were marketed to women and why the marketing strategies were effectively reaching their female clientele from the early 1950s to 1970. This project will provide insight into women’s lives …

Research Based Digital Project Broad Topic and Bibliography

Tenative digital project option: Digitally enhanced research essay The evolvement of women’s reliance on treating anxiety with medications in the 1950s-1980s. Bound, Fay. “Keywords in the History of Medicine: Anxiety.” The Lancet (British Edition) 363, no. 9418 (2004): 1407–. Brill, Abraham, Signund, Freud. Selected Papers on Hysteria and Other Psychoneuroses. NY: The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing …
