Digital Project

Many, if not all of the remaining mental institutions in the United States have some aura of controversy surrounding them. Central State Hospital in Petersburg, Virginia isn’t unique in this aspect. Central State was the first mental institution in America opened specifically for African Americans. It’s safe to assume that many Americans cared little for …

John M. Galt

As we’ve discussed in class, John M. Galt may have had good intentions, but behind closed doors……. they tend to fade away a bit. Especially when it came to race. This quote, probably one of Galt’s best known, represents his…

Proposal with Annotated Bibliography

RJ Davis Proposal: Controversies in Virginia’s Central State Hospital Arguably, Central State Hospital in Petersburg Virginia never had its heyday in the picture of modern equality-based perceptions of successful mental health practices. Opening in 1862 as Howard’s Grove Hospital for Confederate soldiers, the grounds were repurposed in 1869 and renamed the Central Lunatic Asylum for …

Kirkbride Plan

This video covers buildings in the Kirkbride plan, and references Dorthea Dix and other reformers who had a role on this plan.
