I’ve been getting this really interesting ad on Twitter recently (please ignore the really poorly cropped screenshot; mobile is hard) that reminded me a bit of the blurry line between mental health treatment and spa treatment that we’ve mentioned a few times. I’m not totally sure in what way plunging oneself into a large bucket …
Author Archives: Morgan Kelley
Proposal with Annotated Bibliography
Proposal: This project will examine the fates of various historic asylums following deinstitutionalization and moving into the twenty-first century, with the goal of answering two fundamental questions. The first question is, quite simply, what became of these structures. There are a few common trends that will be discussed, including some asylums continuing for the majority …
Week Four Resource Blog Post
I’ve been having a bit of a Green Day phase as of late and had the good luck of stumbling on the “Basket Case” music video, which is set in a psychiatric hospital. The video was really interesting to me because it itself seemed conflicted about the stance it was taking on the psychiatric hospital. …
Week Three Resource Blog Post
This was a video that I came across while doing research for my digital project but ultimately decided not to use. It is a video tour of the Fulton State Hospital in Missouri, which was built in the 1800s. Reading in chapter six of Tomes about the struggles that people like Curwen had with maintaining …
Project Topic and Initial Bibliography
The topic that I am interested in pursuing for this project is what happened to the physical buildings of asylums during and following the period of deinstitutionalization. Were they abandoned, repurposed, torn down, etc? I am also curious as to how they were perceived within the community/wider public following that period and how understanding of …
Week 2 Resource Blog Post
Link to article HERE. This article from the New York Times Magazine entitled “The Therapy Issue: Does Therapy Really Work? Let’s Unpack that” addresses author Susan Dominus’ struggles with finding success in therapy and then the research that followed to answer the question of how effective modern talk therapy really is, as well as what …
Week One: August 31st post
Hi, my name is Morgan. My pronouns are she/her and I am a senior history major; this is my final semester at Mary Washington. I primarily study Russian and Soviet history, as well as state-run biological weapons programs in the mid to late 20th century. I primarily took this class because I needed a 400 …
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