Week 10 Blog Post

After reading the book for this week, I got curious and wanted to know More about the Ionia State Hospital. So I found this pretty interesting site that provides pictures as well as oral histories as part of a project but together about Ionia and othe…

Week 6 Blog Post

While working in my local Historical Society, I was shocked to find some things about Dr. Joseph DeJarnette who was Superintendent of the Western State Hospital. I found two different obituary’s about Dr. DeJarnette that seem very contradicting within my museum’s DeJarnette collection. This collection has some things that I believe would be beneficial for […]

Week 5 Blog Post

https://www.hmdb.org/m.asp?m=180205 In the Martin Summers reading towards the end, he mentions a little bit about one of the first Asylums dedicated solely to African Americans in Virginia. So I posted a link to a picture of the State Marker for the Asylum and it includes a brief little history which I found to be interesting. […]

Week 3 Blog Post

https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015068601890&seq=5 I posted a link to a journal that I found while doing some research for my project the other day. Our library has a few Western State Hospital annual reports and this one is from 1930. I don’t know if this could possibly help anyone with their project but either or it’s still a […]

Week 2 Blog Post

I collect postcards and found this interesting one from the early 1900s showing the Westbrook Sanatorium in Richmond, Virginia. On the back it talks a little bit about how they’re a private run hospital to treat nervous and mental disorders as well as addiction conditions. This postcard got me thinking about topics/facilities close to home […]

Blog Post 1: About Me

Hello Everyone! My name is Jacob Martin and I’m a senior this year. I love animals and have a Golden Retriever named Max. In my free time I like making models from scratch, drawing, collecting and spending time with my family and friends. Ever since I was a little kid I’ve always had a fascination […]
