Are societies monsters simply born evil or does society create its own monsters? The Joker movie produced and directed by Todd Philips showcases a very different version of the character, this time played by Joaquin Phoenix. Rather than looking at the typical clown prince of crime DC comics and media, Philips instead looks at the …
Author Archives: Griffin Nameroff
Pediatricians declare Mental Health issues in children a national emergency.
A large amount of Pediatricians apparently see the mental health issues in children brought by the pandemic as a national emergency. Covid caused a rise of mental health issues in people and its impacted children even more.
Digital Project
For my project, I will be focusing on “Cures” for Autism. using the form of a Powerpoint I will look at the history of Autism itself, treatments, reactions, the search for a cure, and whether it is needed or not. My powerpoint will use pictures when needed and videos that could work in it, if …
New source for Project
this isn’t an article, however, I recently was told about this book that could probably help my project. The book is called We’re Not Broken: Changing the Autism Conversation, by Eric Garcia. it’s a book that explains to various different groups of people what living on the spectrum is like and is written by someone …
Research Project Proposal
Spectrum 10k project paused
This is kind of a short article, but it basically talks about how the spectrum 10k Autism project has been paused due to backlash. People were worried about the project’s intentions and thought they might be trying to make a cure for Autism, so …
TikTok announces new mental health resources for users.
This CNN article talks about how TikTok is making new resources for users to help with potential mental health issues that they could get from the platform. An example the article talks about is when someone searches for suicide on the platform brings the user to results that help deal with suicide. Ironically this is …
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the Autism community concerns with the Spectrum 10k study
This article discusses how the autism community is concerned about this new study that is trying to be conducted. The main concerns boil down to the study taking DNA samples from participates and what those samples will be used for. Another concern is that some of the people behind the study are controversial figures in …
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New Mental health concern related to zoom.
This article from the Guardian talks about this potential new mental health condition brought on by zoom where people who have been on video conferences a lot become self-conscious about what they look like on zoom. According to the article, they are not aware of the distortion that zoom creates which causes them to stress …
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