Pete Earley and Virginia’s Mental Hospitals

While reading Crazy this week, I wanted to find more information on the book’s author, Pete Earley. While searching, I came across an article that he wrote for the Washington Post earlier this year about the state of mental hospitals in Virginia. He explains that these hospitals are running out of space and can no …

“Spinning Out” and Bipolar Disorder

Throughout the topic of mental health in United States history, there is a consensus that people with mental health disorders either feel like they do not fit in with society, society does not accept them, or both. Even in the 21st-century, people still see the topic of mental health as unspeakable. According to Dr. Alexander …

Susanna Kaysen and Girl, Interrupted

While looking for information on the book we are reading for class tomorrow, I came across an interview of the author, Susanna Kaysen, herself. The interview, written by Tara Wanda Merrigan, comes twenty-five years after Kaysen first published her autobiography. During the interview Kaysen discusses some misconceptions that some readers took from the book and …
