Welcome to my History of Mental Health in the United States Website. My name is Jayden Jordan and I am a senior at The University of Mary Washington. Like the majority of students in this class, I am a history major. My interest in history began in high school. I was fortunate enough to have really amazing history teachers that taught the subject in a way that engaged with students, rather than lecturing from a textbook. That said, I initially planned to be a biology major when I first applied to UMW, but later decided on history, which is my true passion. I was born and raised in Winchester, VA, but briefly lived in Cincinnati, Ohio in my childhood. Outside of school, I like to spend my free time watching movies and tv shows. I also like to read for fun, but I don’t get to do that much during the school year due to the already extensive readings assigned with homework. I don’t really have any hobbies. I tried knitting and crochet, but that did not work out well. I chose this class to fulfill my 400-level course requirement for the history major. The History of Mental in the United States appeared to be the most interesting. Over the course of the semester, I hope to learn more about the evolution of mental health in this country. I hope to learn how close mental health professionals are to perfecting the field of mental health care, as well as, how much mental health treatments evolved.