Week#3: Therapeutic Architecture

http://pabook2.libraries.psu.edu/palitmap/Kirkbride.html I have chosen the architecture of mental institutions as my digital project topic. After doing the reading for Tomes, the Kirkbride Plan piqued my interest. I found this article about Danville State Hospital in Pennsylvania which was modeled after the Kirkbride Plan for building “Asylums”. I choose this institution specifically because it is still […]

PTSD From Recent U.S. Evacuation of Afghanistan

Fall of Afghanistan can trigger PTSD in veterans (msn.com) This article relates to a giant mental health crisis amongst our service men and women. Recently, the United States evacuated Afghanistan, resulting in the end of a 20 year occupation. Many Afghan and American people witnessed many traumatic events. These traumatic events shed light on the […]

Opiate Addiction in 19th Century America

https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/inside-story-americas-19th-century-opiate-addiction-180967673/ Interesting article that states that opium use in American goes back to the Revolutionary War. The Civil War “helped set off America’s opiate pandemic,” with the Union army dispensing 10 million opium pills and 2.8 million ounces of opium powders, although it is unknown how many soldiers became addicted. The invention of the hypodermic …

the Autism community concerns with the Spectrum 10k study

This article discusses how the autism community is concerned about this new study that is trying to be conducted. The main concerns boil down to the study taking DNA samples from participates and what those samples will be used for. Another concern is that some of the people behind the study are controversial figures in …

Brief Overview of How Homosexuality was “Treated” by Asylum Doctors and Attendants

https://www.huffpost.com/entry/shock-the-gay-away-secrets-of-early-gay-aversion-therapy-revealed_b_3497435 For my project I chose to cover the history of male homosexuality when it was both viewed and defined as a mental illness in the United States. Above is a link to a brief article that discusses the history of shock therapy among other “treatment” methods for “Sexual deviancy” or more accurately homosexuality. The …

Dix & Foucault

Through all of the research I have done as a student here, it has always been focused on women, and I didn’t want this class to be any exception. I had heard her name in passing before, but this past week I did a deep dive into who Dorthea &#8220…
