The Virginia Way

Jeffrey Thomas’ 2019 book The Virginia Way: Democracy and Power After 2016 explores some of the crucial understandings of power and politics within the state of Virginia. Thomas uses the term “the Virginia Way” throughout his book to describe an inalienable concept in Virginian history, politics, legislation, society, and culture that purports a sense of gentility, honor, and democracy. In reality, the Virginia Way has allowed politicians to use this ideology to their advantage, breeding corruption and cronyism, while preventing democratic ideals instead of promoting them. Thomas offers a look at several key examples of the Virginia Way, such as Dominion Energy’s corporate hegemony, the University of Virginia’s wealth-based affirmative action, and gerrymandering within the state. Meanwhile Virginia continues to hang onto its Southern roots, even when faced with opposition to Confederate iconism within and out of the state. Thomas’ methodology examines themes that consider how the Virginia Way has been presented in Virginia’s history and mythology, issues with corporate power, higher education, and local government, as well as examining the controversies surrounding in-state Medicaid expansion and democracy. Thomas goes so far as to claim that Virginia is the most unequal state in the United States, with voting rights and political funding being used to abuse power, while simple measures have been implemented out of state to prevent such corruption. Thomas finds it ironic that Virginia, which is the birthplace of the United States, holds onto such elitist ideals that contradict the very doctrine the state’s politicians claim to support. Thomas concludes that for Virginians to break free of such rampant corruption that they must turn the tides against the ruling classes and corporations, spearheading democracy to turn simple situations into extraordinary victories. His postscript even outlines a potential solution in the form of a ballot skeleton key, wherein the people would be able to wrest control of democracy back from corruption politicians and legislation, therefore against the so-called Virginia Way. I found Thomas’ analysis of Virginia’s problems to be quite fascinating since I have lived through or witnessed a few of the examples her discussed. I attended high school in Richmond from 2013-2018 and had pretty much a front row seat to various scandals, controversies, and protests. I think we can all agree that many of the things Thomas talked about are things we as Virginians have been aware about, whether we wanted to admit it or not. However I am also aware that people talking this class might not have been aware of some of these things. So, going off of that, I have a few questions: (1) What are your impressions of the Virginia Way in 2022? (2) Are some (or all) of the problems Thomas talked about still relevant? (3) Do you think it is possible to begin fixing these issues, or is Virginia so bogged down in its history of the Virginia Way that this may not be an option? Citation Thomas, Jeffrey B. The Virginia Way: Democracy and Power after 2016. Charleston, South Carolina: History Press, 2019.

Artist Profile: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer is a Mexican-Canadian electronic artist who specializes in the intersections of technology and architecture, as well as technological theatre and performance. Lozano-Hemmer graduated from Concordia University in Montréal, Canada with a B.Sc. in Chemistry, which likely provides the background and basis for his work.1 He interactive exhibits for public participation using technologies such as, “robotic lights, digital fountains, computerized surveillance, media walls, and telematic networks.”2 According to his bio found on his website, “he is inspired by phantasmagoria, carnival, and animatronics, his light and shadow works are “antimonuments for alien agency”.”3 His art has been showcased and commissioned worldwide, with Lozano-Hemmer being the first artist to represent Mexico in an exhibition at Palazzo Van Axel in 2007.4 Lozano-Hemmer has won numerous awards and his work can be found worldwide. For a full list, he has all his work listed on his website. The Speaking Willow (2020) The first piece I wanted to examine by Lozano-Hemmer is the Speaking Tree. This tree is located at the entrance of the Planet World Museum, and is the first thing people see from the front gates. When passing under it, it plays examples of 364 unique language recordings and it meant to set the stage for the entire museum. Starting off, I think this sculpture is gorgeous. It reminds me of a Weeping Willow tree, but knowing it is comprised of unique electronics and sound recordings makes it a truly interesting piece. It’s very simple in design but is meant to showcase harmony amongst language arts, which I think it does well. Fiducial Voice Beacons (2014) The second piece by Lozano-Hemmer is called Fiducial Voice Beacons and it is located in the British Science Museum. It is an interactive sound and light installation made out of beacons in the ceiling. This installation takes sound recordings and translates them into light waves. It’s meant to be a representation of the Information Age (and I’m thinking I might need to tell Dr. McClurken about this one the next time her teaches that class). To put it simply, I love this! It’s such a subtle yet interesting piece of art. You could easily miss it, thinking it is just lights, when really it’s part of the exhibit! I believe I also read somewhere that visitors are allowed to incorporate their own sound recordings into it, meaning they can create their own light sequences right there in the museum! That’s so cool! The Pulse Room (2006) This third piece by Lozano-Hemmer is a bit older than the rest, but it was one I really liked so I decided to include it. The Pulse Room is an interactive installation that has roughly 300 iridescent light bulbs hanging in an orderly fashion from the ceiling. These bulbs are connected to an interactive panel that syncs up to a person’s heartbeat when touched. I really wanted to include a video of this one, because it’s very cool to look at, but WordPress would not let me embed the video without downloading it first. I don’t have much storage left on my website, so I’m just going to include a link here. This is an exhibit I would love to see in person. It’s exactly the kind of weirdly creative thing that draws my attention. I find it fascinating how something so simple can be so amazing, and I think this is something Lozano-Hemmer excels at. A recurring theme I noticed about Lozano-Hemmer’s work is that he makes a lot of interactive installations that either hang down from or are situated in the ceiling. I really like that about his work. Instead of being limited to canvas or a photograph, he uses space to fit his artwork. Some of my favorite exhibits I’ve seen in Richmond and Washington D.C. use a similar concept, but using space to create art. I also really like how he places an emphasis on light and sound. I wish I could see some of his work in person. I can likely see the Speaking Tree some day (if I can find time to go to D.C.) but I don’t think I’ll be seeing much else anytime soon, because he has work in the U.K., Australia, Poland, Canada, Mexico, and more! He’s really been everywhere, and has left his mark. And I think that’s amazing! Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Rafael Lozano-Hemmer – Biography,” Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, 1992, Lozano-Hemmer, “Rafael Lozano-Hemmer – Biography,” Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, 1992, Lozano-Hemmer, “Rafael Lozano-Hemmer – Biography,” Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, 1992, Lozano-Hemmer, “Rafael Lozano-Hemmer – Biography,” Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, 1992,

Artist Profile: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer is a Mexican-Canadian electronic artist who specializes in the intersections of technology and architecture, as well as technological theatre and performance. Lozano-Hemmer graduated from Concordia University in Montréal, Canada with a B.Sc. in Chemistry, which likely provides the background and basis for his work.1 He interactive exhibits for public participation using technologies such as, “robotic lights, digital fountains, computerized surveillance, media walls, and telematic networks.”2 According to his bio found on his website, “he is inspired by phantasmagoria, carnival, and animatronics, his light and shadow works are “antimonuments for alien agency”.”3 His art has been showcased and commissioned worldwide, with Lozano-Hemmer being the first artist to represent Mexico in an exhibition at Palazzo Van Axel in 2007.4 Lozano-Hemmer has won numerous awards and his work can be found worldwide. For a full list, he has all his work listed on his website. The Speaking Willow (2020) The first piece I wanted to examine by Lozano-Hemmer is the Speaking Tree. This tree is located at the entrance of the Planet World Museum, and is the first thing people see from the front gates. When passing under it, it plays examples of 364 unique language recordings and it meant to set the stage for the entire museum. Starting off, I think this sculpture is gorgeous. It reminds me of a Weeping Willow tree, but knowing it is comprised of unique electronics and sound recordings makes it a truly interesting piece. It’s very simple in design but is meant to showcase harmony amongst language arts, which I think it does well. Fiducial Voice Beacons (2014) The second piece by Lozano-Hemmer is called Fiducial Voice Beacons and it is located in the British Science Museum. It is an interactive sound and light installation made out of beacons in the ceiling. This installation takes sound recordings and translates them into light waves. It’s meant to be a representation of the Information Age (and I’m thinking I might need to tell Dr. McClurken about this one the next time her teaches that class). To put it simply, I love this! It’s such a subtle yet interesting piece of art. You could easily miss it, thinking it is just lights, when really it’s part of the exhibit! I believe I also read somewhere that visitors are allowed to incorporate their own sound recordings into it, meaning they can create their own light sequences right there in the museum! That’s so cool! The Pulse Room (2006) This third piece by Lozano-Hemmer is a bit older than the rest, but it was one I really liked so I decided to include it. The Pulse Room is an interactive installation that has roughly 300 iridescent light bulbs hanging in an orderly fashion from the ceiling. These bulbs are connected to an interactive panel that syncs up to a person’s heartbeat when touched. I really wanted to include a video of this one, because it’s very cool to look at, but WordPress would not let me embed the video without downloading it first. I don’t have much storage left on my website, so I’m just going to include a link here. This is an exhibit I would love to see in person. It’s exactly the kind of weirdly creative thing that draws my attention. I find it fascinating how something so simple can be so amazing, and I think this is something Lozano-Hemmer excels at. A recurring theme I noticed about Lozano-Hemmer’s work is that he makes a lot of interactive installations that either hang down from or are situated in the ceiling. I really like that about his work. Instead of being limited to canvas or a photograph, he uses space to fit his artwork. Some of my favorite exhibits I’ve seen in Richmond and Washington D.C. use a similar concept, but using space to create art. I also really like how he places an emphasis on light and sound. I wish I could see some of his work in person. I can likely see the Speaking Tree some day (if I can find time to go to D.C.) but I don’t think I’ll be seeing much else anytime soon, because he has work in the U.K., Australia, Poland, Canada, Mexico, and more! He’s really been everywhere, and has left his mark. And I think that’s amazing! Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Rafael Lozano-Hemmer – Biography,” Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, 1992, Lozano-Hemmer, “Rafael Lozano-Hemmer – Biography,” Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, 1992, Lozano-Hemmer, “Rafael Lozano-Hemmer – Biography,” Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, 1992, Lozano-Hemmer, “Rafael Lozano-Hemmer – Biography,” Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, 1992,