Friday Roundup for August 28, 2020

Congratulations, we all made it through the first week of the semester!

A few items as we look toward this weekend and next week:

  1. Before Tuesday’s class session you need to:
    1. Watch Disney’s Pocahontas (but not definitely not Pocahontas II because I believe in learning and good animation and strong voice acting).
    2. Read John Smith’s Journal (it’s the 1608 version).
    3. Post to the wiki for this week  by 5 AM Tuesday morning.  I’ve added prompts there.  Don’t forget to log in and to sign your comments.
  2. On Tuesday, I’ll use the wiki postings as a jumping off point for our discussion of the film as compared to the history and the primary source.
  3. Other items to follow up on:
    1. If you haven’t yet, please fill out this form to indicate your preference for co-leading one of our film discussions.
    2. If you haven’t selected your film for the project, consider doing so.  Films already selected will have someone’s name next to it on this list.
    3. You need to get me your Research Project URL by 9:30 AM on Thursday, September 3.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Dr. McClurken

Mid-term information

Because people were interested in the format of the mid-term, here is what it looks like.  Note the directions for each section carefully.


Name: _______________________

Turn this test paper in with your blue book.  [You may write on this page, but don’t put answers here.]

Midterm Examination – US History in Film, Fall 2018

PART 1 — Identification (choose 5 of 8) (30%) [20 minutes]

Fully explain each item historically and then give its significance in this class.

  1. Lewis Tappan
  2. ID #2
  3. ID #3
  4. ID #4
  5. ID #5
  6. ID #6
  7. ID #7
  8. ID #8


PART 2 — Essay #1 (choose 1 of 2) (35%) [25 minutes]

– Write a well-organized, clear essay that answers the question.  Cite examples from the lectures, discussions, readings AND films.  Answers will be graded on content, evidence, and clarity.

Essay Topic 1.1


Essay Topic 1.2


PART 3 — Essay #2 (choose 1 of 2) (35%) [25 minutes]

– Again, write a well-organized, clear essay that answers the question.  Cite examples from the lectures, discussions, readings, AND films.  Answers will be graded on content, evidence, and clarity.

Essay Topic 2.1


Essay Topic 2.2

Updated Schedule due to Hurricane

In order to address the day lost to the plans for the hurricane, and another lost to an event that the hurricane bumped, I’ve made the following changes to the schedule.

  • Finish discussion of Last of the Mohicans on Tuesday, September 18. [Wikis due that day at 5 AM.]
  • Begin historical background on The Patriot on Thursday, September 20. 
  • Finish discussion of The Patriot on Tuesday, September 25.  [Wikis due that day at 5 AM.]
  • NO CLASS on Thursday, September 27

The rest of the semester: Amistad, Gone with the Wind, & Glory will be delayed at least a week (see the class schedule page), the midterm will stay at the same time and we will cover My Darling Clementine and Matewan as a Double Feature (more details on that later).
