
US History in Film (Honors)
Fall 2024
HIST 329
9:30-10:45 TR
HCC 329

Jeffrey McClurken
Office: GW 105
Office Hours:  By appointment (x1475 or through Canvas message)
SM: @jmcclurken (Twitter/XBlueskyInstagram)

Course Description

This course examines historically oriented motion pictures as both primary and secondary sources of information about the past.  It starts from the premise that the content in films, as with written sources, can (and should) be critically analyzed for its perspectives, interpretive choices, biases, and reliability.  The course examines the relative successes or failures that major films have had in portraying the past, and analyzes how present events, cultures and attitudes shape our view of the past.  As historians we typically analyze and use traditional primary and secondary sources (e.g., historical documents and scholarly articles and monographs); it is possible and helpful to apply many of those same skills (and much of the same skepticism) to our approaches to non-traditional sources, such as these films. This course counts in the History major and the American Studies major, as well as the Honors Program. It also counts for the Digital Intensive General Education requirement.

Departmental Learning Objectives

  • Ability to utilize technological resources in research, data analysis, and presentation.
  • Appreciation of the diversity of methods and processes.
  • Ability to communicate in a group setting.

Honors Program Objectives

As part of the Honors Program, this course also will help students to formulate an academic argument with appropriate research documentation; articulate the value of the goals of the honors program as it relates to the liberal arts as an multidisciplinary, systematic approach to knowledge; apply specific academic solutions to broader, interdisciplinary fields of study; integrate multiple viewpoints involving different cultures and/or perspectives.


Course Requirements

Students are expected to attend classes (virtual or otherwise), read all assigned texts, watch all assigned films, and participate in class (including posting to the course wiki).  They are also expected to create a digital research project and complete mid-semester and end-of-semester assignments.  Projects and other assignments are due at the start of class on the day they are due.  [Note that learning in a pandemic means that there may be times when you are feeling ill.  Stay away from class on those days and let me know what is going on so we can talk through options for catching up.]



Each week we will be discussing a particular movie.  The movies are available to rent from various streaming services ( is a good place to find where they are available currently since they often shift from one service to another). They will also be on reserve at the library as DVDs that can be checked out.  Streaming will likely be your most convenient option. Regardless, you will have to make arrangements to see the movie somehow, including borrowing my copy as a last resort.  Watching these movies is your responsibility, so don’t wait until the last minute to figure out how you will watch it!   Even if you have seen one of these movies before, you should watch it again. You will see new things about it when you are watching with a critical eye. 

Discussions, Wiki, and Class Participation

Students are expected to participate in all discussion classes (generally on Thursdays) having watched the movie for that week, having read the material, and having prepared 2-3 questions, comments, links to sources or clips, or potential debate topics.  These should be posted to the appropriate week in the class wiki no later than 5 AM on the day of the discussion (McClurken Class Wiki). The questions/comments/topics should be aimed at provoking class discussions on the reading and the movies.  [Since the goal is to prepare you for class discussion, late postings will not be accepted.]  Class participation requires actively participating in these discussions, watching the movies, submitting questions/comments/topics, and co-leading one of those discussions. Bonus participation points will be available if you post to IG/Bluesky/X reactions while watching the movies with the hashtag #HIST329 (and let me know that you are doing so).

Final Grades 

Final grades will be determined based on class participation, including wiki posts, discussion participation, and leadership of class discussion (35%), on performance on the mid-semester and end-of-semester assignments (15% each), as well as on the WordPress-based, research-sourced historical analysis of a film (35%).  [Unsatisfactory mid-semester reports will be reported for anyone with a grade of D or below on work completed at that time as a way to let you know that you need to reach out and talk to me to help you figure out how to succeed in the class.]

A note about this semester and this class

This class is not the most important thing in your life.  It’s not the most important thing in mine. Don’t get me wrong, there’s much to learn here and I love and have so much fun exploring these topics with you and your classmates.  But take care of yourself.  Reach out to me if there are things in your life that end up taking precedence over this class.  Let’s talk about them.


Our written texts will be available via the readings page linked to from here. No cost for those readings.

Of course, our texts are also the films we are examining each week.  These films are available for streaming, but often with a rental fee, and not from any single streaming service.  Here are links to places that you can rent them, though is a good place to see the current options that exist.  DVD copies of the films will also be on reserve at the library.

Generative AI Policy

Use of AI is approved and encouraged in this course; however, students should refer to individual course assignments for instructions regarding how to use and/or document use of AI, if applicable to the assignment. When in doubt, always cite what and how you have used to get to an answer/project/result.  And ask me each time if you have the least doubt.  We are all learning how these tools can, and ethically how, they should be used.  It will take us some trial and error to figure all of that out.  But in this class that should always take place in conversation with me.

Although AI use is permitted in this course, you should keep the following points in mind:

  • AI is a continuously developing tool. Keep track of how you use AI (e.g., original and revised prompts, where in your thinking process you used AI, different output over time). An electronic file with screenshots and notes or a written journal of your process documents your workflow and, as needed, supports appropriate attribution and citation.  Since some AI (including UMW’s access to CoPilot) doesn’t save your prompts or content, plan on cut/paste and/or screenshots.
  • Fact check all AI output. AI tools are built on systems and inputs with acknowledged biases. Early and current AI output has produced factual errors and the tools ‘hallucinate’ or fabricate information. This is especially true if the AI is prompted about something for which it has little or no information (including making up bibliography citations). Unless you know the answer with 100% certainty, check responses with trusted sources.  Please, please double check all sources.
  • AI is only as good as the prompts it receives. It may take practice and time to use AI for results meeting expectations and standards. As a result, AI may not be the best or easiest route for completing a task.
  • Different professors treat the use of AI tools differently. Double-check with individual professors if you are unsure about whether AI use is appropriate for a specific assignment.


Research Project Assignment

You must create an original online research project analyzing a particular film dealing with a United States History topic.  Much as we will do in class each week, your project should analyze the portrayal of the past in the film, exploring the perspective (including biases or objectives) of the filmmakers, the historical accuracy of the portrayal (in a detailed and a broad sense), and the relative success and reliability of the film as a primary and secondary source of historical information.  You should use a combination of primary and secondary sources for your evidence.  You must cite all images, clips, facts, ideas, paraphrasing, and quotes, in footnotes and bibliography, using either Turabian (9th edition) or the Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition), including the movies themselves and any reviews of them that you have used.  Be explicit about every use of AI in the process of every stage in the project, even if you haven’t used AI at all. [For more details on Turabian/CMS citations, see the Library resource page — and this one for AI. ]

1) Your project must be presented online as blog pages in a WordPress site created within your Domain of One’s Own account or within a Sites@UMW site [Do not create your own site.]  Let me know where it is located–in other words, what is its URL/web address?—by the start of class on Thursday, Sept. 12.  [Don’t have a Domain of One’s Own account or Sites@UMW or need a refresher on using them? See here.  Or the Digital Knowledge Center can help you get started.]

2) Your historical film choice and bibliographic citations of ten or more significant (non-encyclopedic) sources are due by the start of class on Thursday, September 19 for my approval.  [Since I will only approve one person to work on a particular movie, you should probably request approval for your movie via Canvas message before September 5.]  There is a list of potential choices and the list of movies already taken at the course blog at

3) The research project (1,500-2,500 words, not including citations and bibliography, with at least 3-5 minutes of “green-screened” or otherwise digitally annotated video clip(s) with your commentary/critique) is due at the start of class on Tuesday, November 12. [Worth 35% of overall class grade.]  The Honor Pledge and your name should be clearly visible.  Projects will be graded on content (including originality and the quality and use of evidence), historical analysis and quality of your video clip(s), additional multimedia features (images, GIFs, use of movie clips), overall site presentation, grammar, and proper formatting for historical writing (including footnotes and bibliography).  [Again the DKC can help with technical aspects of these projects, including the video clip.] Any uses of AI should be clearly marked and cited on the site and the video(s).

4) By Thursday, November 21 everyone needs to have looked at the other projects.  The class will vote on the top 5 projects and top 5 videos.  These will join the 20+ projects picked from the 2008-2022 classes in an online US History in Film site.  More on this later in the semester


Honor Code

I believe in the Honor Code as an essential, positive component of the Mary Washington experience.  You should know that if you cheat or plagiarize in this class, you will fail, and I will take you to the Honor Council.  So, do not do it.  On the other hand, I also believe that having friends or family read and comment on your writing and projects can be extremely helpful and falls within the bounds of the Honor Code (assuming the writing and work itself remains yours).  If you have questions about these issues (such as if and when something should be cited — the answer is almost always “yes” and “often”), then you should talk to me sooner rather than later.  Please, please talk to me before and about using AI in this class.


The Office of Disability Resources has been designated by the university as the primary office to guide, counsel, and assist students with disabilities. If you receive services through the Office of Disability Resources and require accommodations for this class, please provide me a copy of your accommodation letter via email or during a meeting. I encourage you to follow-up with me about your accommodations and needs within this class. I will hold any information you share with me in the strictest confidence unless you give me permission to do otherwise.  If you have not made contact with the Office of Disability Resources and have reasonable accommodation needs, their office is located in Seacobeck 005, phone number is (540) 654-1266 and email is  The office will require appropriate documentation of disability.

Title IX Statement

University of Mary Washington faculty are committed to supporting students and upholding the University’s Policy on Sexual and Gender Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence. Under Title IX and this Policy, discrimination based upon sex or gender is prohibited. If you experience an incident of sex or gender-based discrimination, we encourage you to report it. While you may talk to me, understand that as a “Responsible Employee” of the University, I MUST report to UMW’s Title IX Coordinator what you share. If you wish to speak to someone confidentially, please contact the confidential resources found below. They can connect you with support services and help you explore your options. You may also seek assistance from UMW’s Title IX Coordinator, their contact information can be found below. Please visit to view UMW’s Policy on Sexual and Gender Based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence and to find further information on support and resources.

Ruth Davison, Ph.D.
Title IX Coordinator
Lee Hall, Room 401
1301 College Avenue Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Phone: 540-654-5656

Confidential Resources
Talley Center for Counseling Services Lee Hall, Room 106, 540-654-1053 Student Health Center Lee Hall, Room 112, 540-654-1040

Empowerhouse 24-hr hotline: 540-373-9373
Rappahannock Council Against Sexual Assault (RCASA) 24-hr hotline: 540-371-1666

Recording Policy Statement

In this class, students may not make audio or video recordings of any course activity unless the student has an approved accommodation from the Office of Disability Resources permitting the recording class meetings. In such cases, the accommodation letter must be presented to the instructor in advance of any recording being done and all students in the course will be notified whenever recording will be taking place. Students who are permitted to record classes are not permitted to redistribute audio or video recordings of statements or comments from the course to individuals who are not students in the course without the express permission of the faculty member and of any students who are recorded. Distribution without permission is a violation of educational privacy law. This policy is consistent with UMW’s Policy on Recording Class and Distribution of Course Materials.

Basic Needs Security

Learning effectively and engaging wholly in class is dependent upon our basic security and having our fundamental needs met: having a safe place to sleep at night, regular access to nutritious food, and some assurance of safety. If you have difficulty affording groceries or accessing sufficient food to eat every day, or if you lack a safe and stable place to live, please contact Chris Porter, Assistant Dean of Students, at  Additionally, the Gwen Hale Resource Center is a free resource on campus, providing food, toiletries and clothing to any member of our community. It is open Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 1pm to 6pm, on the 5th floor (floor A for Attic) of Lee Hall, or . Finally, you are always welcome to talk with me about needs, if you are comfortable doing so. This will enable me to provide any resources I may possess.

Student Support

Digital Knowledge Center

The Digital Knowledge Center (DKC), located in HCC 408, provides UMW students with peer tutoring on digital projects and assignments. Any student at the University can take advantage of the Center’s services by scheduling an appointment to work one-on-one or in a group with a student tutor. You can schedule a tutorial through; while appointments are not required, they are recommended. Tutorials cover a wide range of topics related to common digital systems, technologies, new media, and tools used in courses at UMW. DKC tutors adhere to the UMW Honor Code during all appointments. They are available to provide guidance and advice, but they cannot create, produce, or edit work on a student’s behalf.

Help Desk (Computer Issues)

If you are having difficulties with Canvas or connecting to online University resources, seek assistance from the Help Desk:

Simpson Library

The Simpson Library provides access to important physical and online resources and spaces.  Computers, printers, scanners, and study rooms are available for students, faculty, and staff.  Research librarians are available to assist you via phone, email, chat, or face-to-face.

Online databases, research guides, and e-books are accessible off-campus by using your network ID and password.  An online interlibrary loan service is also available so that students can request books and articles not available at the Simpson Library.

Speaking and Writing Center

The Speaking and Writing Center, located in the Hurley Convergence Center 429, supports oral and written communication skills development through one-on-one or group consultations that address every stage of the composing process from brainstorming to final presentation and editing. UMW students can schedule 30- or 60-minute appointments, in-person or online, by visiting our webpage and clicking on “Schedule an Appointment” or going directly to our appointment scheduler.

We are committed to aiding development of written and oral skills aimed towards effectively communicating a diversity of views. The Speaking and Writing Center adheres strictly to the Honor Code; consultants will not compose any portion of a paper or presentation for a student, nor will they do research for a student.

For more information, please contact Dr. Leah Schweitzer, Director of the Speaking and Writing Center, at or 540-654-1347 or visit our website at


Readings and class schedule
