UMW Academic Buildings

Revised Contract — 3/20/2020

Mapping UMW’s History 


Mission Statement

To provide a better way to interact with the history of the academic buildings on campus: Morgan Combs Hall, Jepson Science Center, Hugh Mercer Hall, James Monroe Hall, Jessie Ball duPont Hall, Gari Melchers Hall, John G. Pollard Hall, E. Lee Trinkle Hall, Prince B. Woodard Hall, Richard V. Hurley Convergence Center, and Grellet Simpson Library. Our group will create a website that allows for an interactive experience on the campus and will allow prospective students to tour the campus in the future.


Since our project focuses on the academic buildings of UMW, our audience will mainly be the UMW community, specifically alumni, current students, and prospective students and their families. The website will be able to provide people touring the school with more context about the history of the academic buildings and the people they are named after, as well as give access to the school for those not on campus. Being attached to the school website will help us advertise. We also plan to create QR stickers to put up around campus to promote our site. In addition, if time permits we will create flyers to pass out at the Alumni Center, as well as to UMW tour guides to give to prospective students and their families.


Initially, the 360 map, the Google My Maps map, and our information will live on our website, however in the future after we are no longer working on this project, it would be cool to see it exist and expand to include all the buildings on campus on the official UMW website.


Slug —


Website Plan

  • Our homepage will include the directions for our virtual tour and google my maps tour with links to those pages. It will contain headings for the different academic buildings and provide a link to the about us page.
  • Separate pages will go into greater detail than the homepage, including function, history of the people and buildings, the evolution of the buildings (i.e additions and demolishments that the buildings went through)
  • Google My Maps plan
    • The pop-outs for each building on Google My Maps will include abbreviated information such as when the buildings were built, interesting facts or trivia, photos of the buildings past, and a link to the buildings page on the website. 
  • Virtual Tour Plan
    • For each building listed, we will show a 360 image of one of the floors of the building to show what a visitor to campus could expect. Each 360 image will include information and pictures similar to Google My Maps.


Tools to be used

    • WordPress: the platform for the website
    • 360 Camera: will use the Ricoh Theta V to take pictures for our virtual tour
    • Google My Maps: to provide an on-campus experience for the academic buildings for people who are not or cannot come to campus themselves. For people on campus, we hope to place QR codes near the buildings to provide information about the buildings that are mostly unknown. 
    • Google Tour: to create the virtual tour of campus by providing 360-degree photographs of the inside of the academic buildings. This would include interactive points that would provide different information and additional pictures about the academic building and its history. This would be embedded within our website.
    • QR Code: to allow easy access to Google My Maps and website. Placing the codes themselves on the buildings or the signs of the buildings is likely not possible, so we will still need to brainstorm locations for them. If at this point in time it does not work out to place the QR on campus at all, we will at least have them made for if/when the school decides to use them.
    • Resources
      • Ad Hoc Committee report
      • Dr. Spencer
      • Preservation Plan Draft (in Slack)
      • Murals of the University of Mary Washington report (in Slack)
      • UMW Special Collections Digital Archives, specifically the Centennial Image Collection and the UMW Blueprints and Architectural Drawings Collection


  • History of Mary Washington College 1908-1972
  • University of Mary Washington Centennial History: 1908-2008




Milestones will be communicated with the group on completion through Slack.

  • Feb. 9 
    • Contract finished
  • Feb. 11
    • Website skeleton finished 
      • Website will have a comprehensive means of navigating the various pages and finding key features.
    • Google My Maps skeleton done
  • Feb. 13
    • Revised Contract finished
  • Feb. 15/16
    • 360 photos taken of the outside of buildings and the inside of the buildings. These pictures will be used for the virtual tour and will provide a look into the campus academic buildings. The photos will be of the main area within the academic building. The photos will be taken using the 360 camera from the HCC.
    • If not completed in time then complete on Feb. 29/Mar. 1
  • Feb. 18
    • Google My Maps polish
    • Google Tour photos implemented in the tour and skeleton finished (w/o information)
      • Skeleton will be placing nodes for information on all the pictures and making sure the layout of the tour is logical for the group.
  • Feb. 27
    • Project progress report
      • Research on at least Combs, Jepson, HCC, Mercer, and Monroe completed.
      • Google tour embedded in the website and looking good
    • Website will have images for all buildings, simple navigation and all necessary components linked or embedded.
      • Images on the website aside from the virtual tour will be non 360 photos
  • Mar. 12
    • Project progress report
      • Research on duPont, Pollard, Melchers, Trinkle, Woodard, and Simpson Library completed
  • March 20
    • All members will have reviewed the research on one of their assigned buildings and collected the finalized data. If more research needs to be done then the member will communicate to the researcher in charge of the building, as well as check to ensure all sources are properly cited.
  • March 24
    • Project progress report
    • Research finished Pushed Back Until March 24th
      • As each building’s research is accomplished the information will be sent to the rest of the group to start implementing it into the website.
      • The research will be compiled on google doc with sources listed and the information cited.
      • Buildings being researched: Combs, Dupont, Pollard, Melchers, Mercer, Monroe, Trinkle, Woodard, and Jepson
      • Possible additions if time permitted: George Washington, Lee, Simpson
    • Google Tour partially completed Due to the Closing of the school some buildings will not be available for the tour at this moment
      • Richard V. Hurley Convergence Center, and Grellet Simpson Library will not be included in the virtual tour due to time constraints and availability and ability of the virtual tour manager. 
      • 360 photos will be added to the tour and nodes will be in place without information.
    • Google My Maps finalized 
    • Alt Text added to My Maps and Google Tour if available
    • Ask tours about interest in website and project and contact historical preservation club for comments on website and project.
      • Due to school closing this will most likely be postponed indefinitely 
  • March 26
    • Building information for the first round of buildings put in with pictures and alt text but without editing or polish.
  • March 31
    • All members will have finished their reviewing of the research of their buildings and all citations and sources.
    • Contact Alumni Center about usage of the website, interest in the website and QR codes and advertisement of the website.
      • With the closing of the school reaching out to promote the website becomes more difficult, uncertain if the Alumni Center will remain open/contactable during this time
  • April 2
    • Project progress report
    • Google My Maps completed
    • Google Tour accessibility page completed with pictures and alt text and all text information with nodes
  • April 7
    • Building information for the second round of buildings put in with pictures and alt text but without editing or polish.
    • The first round of buildings pages fully edited and polished with alt text implemented in all pictures
  • April 9
    • Contact Historical Preservation club again for more comments about the project and to have them look at the website
      • Also ask Dr. Spencer to look at the website
      • With the school closing these two are most likely impossible to accomplish, tabled for the future
  • April 14
    • The first round of buildings pages fully edited and polished with alt text implemented in all pictures
    • Project progress report
    • QR Codes completed
      • Digitally completed, but not printed out to be distributed
    • Website completed
    • Alt Text checked for all pictures availability of website checked/ ran through a program to check availability. 
  • April 16
    • Polish website
    • Contact tour guides again about the website and tour and ask about using QR codes in their tour for more information on the buildings.
      • With school closing not possible
    • Contact Alumni Center about QR code placement and advertisement
      • See above changes
  • April 21
    • Project completed


Project Roles

  • Cat
    • Primary Role: Research
      • Researching Mercer, Monroe, Combs, Trinkle, Woodard, and Simpson Library
    • Secondary Role: Research
    • Research Review: Jepson, Dupont, HCC
  • Noah
    • Primary Role: Research
      • Researching Dupont, Melchers, Pollard, Jepson, HCC
    • Secondary Role: Research
    • Research Review: Mercer, Combs, and Woodard, Simpson Library
  • Corey
    • Primary Role: Google My Maps and Web Design
    • Secondary Role: Google 360 Tour 
    • Research Review: Monroe, Trinkle
  • Jack
    • Primary Role: Google 360 Tour
    • Secondary Role: Google My Maps and Web Design
    • Research Review: Melchers, Pollard


About Page:

Thank everyone who helped

Professor Jeffrey McClurken

Professor Michael Spencer

Head Archivist Carolyn Parsons

Records Coordinator Sarah Appleby

Digital Resources Librarian Angie Kemp



Original Contract

Mapping UMW’s History 


Mission Statement

To provide a better way to interact with the history of the academic buildings on campus: Morgan Combs Hall, Jepson Science Center, Hugh Mercer Hall, James Monroe Hall, Jessie Ball duPont Hall, Gari Melchers Hall, John G. Pollard Hall, E. Lee Trinkle Hall, Prince B. Woodard Hall, Richard V. Hurley Convergence Center, and Grellet Simpson Library. Our group will create a website that allows for an interactive experience on the campus and will allow prospective students to tour the campus in the future.


Since our project focuses on the academic buildings of UMW, our audience will mainly be the UMW community, specifically alumni, current students, and prospective students and their families. The website will be able to provide people touring the school with more context about the history of the academic buildings and the people they are named after, as well as give access to the school for those not on campus. Being attached to the school website will help us advertise. We also plan to create QR stickers to put up around campus to promote our site. In addition, if time permits we will create flyers to pass out at the Alumni Center, as well as to UMW tour guides to give to prospective students and their families.


Initially, the 360 map, the Google My Maps map, and our information will live on our website, however in the future after we are no longer working on this project, it would be cool to see it exist and expand to include all the buildings on campus on the official UMW website.




Website Plan

  • Our homepage will include the directions for our virtual tour and google my maps tour with links to those pages. It will contain headings for the different academic buildings and provide a link to the about us page.
  • Separate pages will go into greater detail than the homepage, including function, history of the people and buildings, the evolution of the buildings (i.e additions and demolishments that the buildings went through)
  • Google My Maps plan
    • The pop-outs for each building on Google My Maps will include abbreviated information such as when the buildings were built, interesting facts or trivia, photos of the buildings past, and a link to the buildings page on the website. 
  • Virtual Tour Plan
    • For each building listed, we will show a 360 image of one of the floors of the building to show what a visitor to campus could expect. Each 360 image will include information and pictures similar to Google My Maps.


Tools to be used

    • WordPress: the platform for the website
    • 360 Camera: will use the Ricoh Theta V to take pictures for our virtual tour
    • Google My Maps: to provide an on-campus experience for the academic buildings for people who are not or cannot come to campus themselves. For people on campus, we hope to place QR codes near the buildings to provide information about the buildings that are mostly unknown. 
    • Google Tour: to create the virtual tour of campus by providing 360-degree photographs of the inside of the academic buildings. This would include interactive points that would provide different information and additional pictures about the academic building and its history. This would be embedded within our website.
    • QR Code: to allow easy access to Google My Maps and website. Placing the codes themselves on the buildings or the signs of the buildings is likely not possible, so we will still need to brainstorm locations for them. If at this point in time it does not work out to place the QR on campus at all, we will at least have them made for if/when the school decides to use them.
    • Resources
      • Ad Hoc Committee report
      • Dr. Spencer
      • Preservation Plan Draft (in Slack)
      • Murals of the University of Mary Washington report (in Slack)
      • UMW Special Collections Digital Archives, specifically the Centennial Image Collection and the UMW Blueprints and Architectural Drawings Collection


  • History of Mary Washington College 1908-1972
  • University of Mary Washington Centennial History: 1908-2008




Milestones will be communicated with the group on completion through Slack.

  • Feb. 9 
    • Contract finished
  • Feb. 11
    • Website skeleton finished 
      • Website will have a comprehensive means of navigating the various pages and finding key features.
    • Google My Maps skeleton done
  • Feb. 13
    • Revised Contract finished
  • Feb. 15/16
    • 360 photos taken of the outside of buildings and the inside of the buildings. These pictures will be used for the virtual tour and will provide a look into the campus academic buildings. The photos will be of the main area within the academic building. The photos will be taken using the 360 camera from the HCC.
    • If not completed in time then complete on Feb. 29/Mar. 1
  • Feb. 18
    • Google My Maps polish
    • Google Tour photos implemented in the tour and skeleton finished (w/o information)
      • Skeleton will be placing nodes for information on all the pictures and making sure the layout of the tour is logical for the group.
  • Feb. 27
    • Project progress report
      • Research on at least Combs, Jepson, HCC, Mercer, and Monroe completed.
      • Google tour embedded in the website and looking good
    • Website will have images for all buildings, simple navigation and all necessary components linked or embedded.
      • Images on the website aside from the virtual tour will be non 360 photos
  • Mar. 12
    • Project progress report
      • Research on duPont, Pollard, Melchers, Trinkle, Woodard, and Simpson Library completed
  • March 17
    • Research finished 
      • As each building’s research is accomplished the information will be sent to the rest of the group to start implementing it into the website.
      • The research will be compiled on google doc with sources listed and the information cited.
      • Buildings being researched: Combs, Dupont, Pollard, Melchers, Mercer, Monroe, Trinkle, Woodard, and Jepson
      • Possible additions if time permitted: George Washington, Lee, Simpson
  • March 20
    • All members will have reviewed the research on one of their assigned buildings and collected the finalized data. If more research needs to be done then the member will communicate to the researcher in charge of the building, as well as check to ensure all sources are properly cited.
  • March 24
    • Project progress report
    • Google Tour Finished
    • Google My Maps finalized 
    • Alt Text added to My Maps and Google Tour if available
    • Ask tours about interest in website and project and contact historical preservation club for comments on website and project.
  • March 26
    • Building information for the first round of buildings put in with pictures and alt text but without editing or polish.
  • March 31
    • All members will have finished their reviewing of the research of their buildings and all citations and sources.
    • Contact Alumni Center about usage of the website, interest in the website and QR codes and advertisement of the website.
  • April 2
    • Project progress report
    • Google My Maps completed
  • April 7
    • Building information for the second round of buildings put in with pictures and alt text but without editing or polish.
    • The first round of buildings pages fully edited and polished with alt text implemented in all pictures
  • April 9
    • Contact Historical Preservation club again for more comments about the project and to have them look at the website
      • Also ask Dr. Spencer to look at the website
  • April 14
    • The first round of buildings pages fully edited and polished with alt text implemented in all pictures
    • Project progress report
    • QR Codes completed
    • Website completed
    • Alt Text checked for all pictures availability of website checked/ ran through a program to check availability. 
  • April 16
    • Polish website
    • Contact tour guides again about the website and tour and ask about using QR codes in their tour for more information on the buildings.
    • Contact Alumni Center about QR code placement and advertisement
  • April 21
    • Project completed


Project Roles

  • Cat
    • Primary Role: Research
      • Researching Mercer, Monroe, Combs, Trinkle, Woodard, and Simpson Library
    • Secondary Role: Research
    • Research Review: Jepson, Dupont, HCC
  • Noah
    • Primary Role: Research
      • Researching Dupont, Melchers, Pollard, Jepson, HCC
    • Secondary Role: Research
    • Research Review: Mercer, Combs, and Woodard, Simpson Library
  • Corey
    • Primary Role: Google My Maps and Web Design
    • Secondary Role: Google 360 Tour 
    • Research Review: Monroe, Trinkle
  • Jack
    • Primary Role: Google 360 Tour
    • Secondary Role: Google My Maps and Web Design
    • Research Review: Melchers, Pollard


About Page:

Thank everyone who helped

Professor Jeffrey McClurken

Professor Michael Spencer