Final Meme
Before Adventures in Digital History vs. after Adventures in Digital History:
I hope everyone is staying safe and well! Good luck on finals!
Final Meme
When you’re already stressed because of your online classes and then your power goes out:
Digital history meme
This is very, very stupid but I had this thought, in meme format, while captioning James Farmer’s class lectures on a Friday night two months ago, so I felt like it had to be shared.
Final Assignment: The Meme
I decided to make two memes for this final assignment. The first about my thoughts on the class as a whole and the second on the project. I really enjoyed this class and this project. I learned a lot, both about digital history and also about Dr. Farmer and his time here at UMW.
It’s Meme Day!
This is the meme I made, please stay safe in this uncertain time. I hope y’all enjoy!
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