History 428 / Civil War Letters
Final Blog Post on the Project
I think that the process of making this site had some ups and downs, especially considering the COVID-19 outbreak that started in the beginning of March, this project was a lot of fun to work on with my group. I enjoyed the process of being able to scan the letters and learn about a man […]
Home Stretch
I think looking through this project, it has been a really cool experience to be a part of and to make a difference in the digital world. I am hoping to finish working on the site and have it all done and ready to show to the world here in the next couple of weeks. […]
Digital Portfolio
When I think of a Digital Portfolio, I have to say that the sites that we currently have are our Digital Portfolio because of what we are doing on the site itself for some of our previous classes. The fact that we post stuff on it and look for feedback on the site itself or […]
Work on the Site
So far we have been working on our site so that we can get things uploaded to the site and everything gets added so that we can do the edits later down the road (within the last day that it is due). We have been coming up with other questions/concerns just about every week on […]
Blog Post – Digital Identity
Looking at some of the digital websites for creating a digital identity there are a few things that I noticed from just overall glancing over and thinking about what I would do, definitely has to follow this sort of pattern. One is that if you are creating this digital identity, you are going to need […]
Trucking Along
Now that we know the plan for uploading the letters on our Omeka site, it should be pretty straight forward for making sure that all the letters have the same kind of details so that they are used properly on the site. I am glad that we were able to get that done so that […]
Changes in Digital History
Historians have been moving to a more digital world with different items being done to help historians be able to put the information that they have researched out to the world. In the Blevins article, it makes remarks about the 2008 comment that historian Tom Scheinfeldt made that the practices done by historians were moving […]
Post on Project Status
With the updated contract and what we’re planning to do for the rest of the semester, I am hoping that we can get to what we are planning on doing for the rest of the semester. We have made good progress on the Timeline and the Storymap should be done by the end of the […]