I think the overall semester for History 427 was a really fun class to be a part of and be able to learn from each other throughout the assignments and classroom discussions, whether they were on Zoom or in the Classroom itself. What I learned throughout the class was how important the Information Age really […]
History 427: History of the Information Age
TimelineJS Reflection Post
With our final “project” of this semester, we are to contribute to the class Timeline that was created by Dr. McClurken, and the way that I wanted to contribute was through one of the first things that I ever used technology wise, PlayStation. Now I grew up on the PlayStation 1 and 2 as well […]
Checking In for Week 13
With us reaching a conclusion to the course here soon, I have enjoyed being in this class with not just Dr. McClurken, but all of the others in this class to be able to have great discussions with and be able to learn some new ideas and skills from one another. I am excited to […]
Weekly Check-In for 427
This week we are talking about Information Overload and the Rise of Phones. Both of those topics seem quite interesting to me and thinking about how many weeks are left in this class, we are getting to somewhat of a conclusion in the course. At least I hope that we are getting to a conclusion […]
Social Media Profile: William Higinbotham
With our next project in History 427, we are creating a “imposter” Facebook Profile for a person of our choosing, so being the gamer that I am I thought why not use someone that is considered the “Grandfather of Video Games,” William Higinbotham. The link for the page itself is https://www.facebook.com/william.higinbotham.58/. When I started working […]
Weekly Check-in for 427
So this week we are going to start looking at the social media platform project where we are picking someone that is influential to communication and create a Facebook page about them. With that in mind, this is going to be similar to how the live-tweeting event from last week, but we are actually creating […]
Reflection on the Live-Tweeting Assignment
With an assignment like this, I was thinking that it would be fun to try and put myself in the shoes of someone depending on when and who I was going to pick for this assignment. I liked the idea of doing something with the Attack on Pearl Harbor because it really was one of […]
Historical Live-Tweets From Pearl Harbor
Down below are fictional tweets that Doris Miller would have been thinking about before and during the first stages of the Attack on Pearl Harbor. I will give my full reflections on the assignment in another blog post.
What is this week bringing?
With Wednesday being a day-off for classes and for me with my other job that day, we can enjoy a well needed break this semester since we have not had a break since before classes started in January. This week we are talking about Propaganda Campaigns where we actually have an assignment for a Propaganda […]