This was a very fun project to work on especially with the stuff that we were supposed to for the overall project itself. I liked how we had to implement a broadcast/podcast, a couple posters, and a newspaper article. I enjoyed working with the group that I was in especially with how much fun we […]
History 297
Weekly Blog Post
I think that the assignments that we have decided upon are going to be fun to do with the other classmates in the class as well as Dr. McClurken. With the discussion that we started out with on Tuesday, it was very kind of laid back and I believe that these discussions that we have […]
Thoughts of the class so far
I am really looking forward to look further in this class and learn more about the History of the Information age because there is so much to look at and it essentially is stuff that I like to talk about. So far with the discussions and the different group things we have done in class […]