April 18th

Most of our project is finished all I have to do on my part, is add the citations for the pictures on the website, as well as finish the captions for the pictures. Everyone else have also finished their parts of the project, The website is finished and most of the research is added to […]

Blog-March 19th

This week, I was unable to log into Zoom, due to the fact that I still have not got the hang of it, from what I hear, the group will be taking out the Simpson library and the HCC out of the buildings from the list. This is due to the fact that we are […]

Blog post — April 14th

The project is basically done, but I only just contacted my group a few days ago due to the fact that no one in my group except for me decided to tune into class last Thursday. This because we did out progress report on Tuesday. My part of the project is finished, all I have […]

Blog Post April 7th

Myself and 3 other students have created a website about the academic buildings in the University of Mary Washington. It is almost finished, all that is needed is the pictures

Here is the link: to my Digital Portfolio: https://www.noahhistory.com/I…

April 1st

The group is basically finished with the each of their individual parts of the Project, This week I read the articles Digital tattoo, footprints in a digital age, Bonnie Digital identities. From them I learned about the 6 different selves in the digital space. The public self(the you, u put our on the internet ), […]

Blog Post — March 25th

I now know how to log into the zoom classes, from what I was able to get from this weeks group, their assignments are almost complete. Cat is almost done with her research, although from what I last read in the research document, there is are some missing building reports that need to be filled […]

Blog Post- March 27th

Today, I finished the last bit of my research by getting the last pictures on the research document in google docs. I also read on Disruptions, Race, and the Digital Humanities and Writing history in the digital age. I liked how Roopika brought up the fact that race and civil rights in digital humanities can […]

Blog Post Omeka

The Omeka examples “Stories from the First Great Migration to Philadelphia” and “The Digital Archive of Sao Roque” are great examples of Omekas use. I really liked how polished the pages are with their vibrant colors, and how easy it is to get from 1 page to the next. One problem that I had with […]

Blog post — April 14

The project is basically done, but I only just contacted my group a few days ago due to the fact that no one in my group except for me decided to tune into class last Thursday. My part of the project is finished, all I have to do is the citations.

Blog post– April 23

My group has just turn in the project and it has just been graded. My group is planning to record a presentation on zoom, but we had problem scheduling so we are each recording a 2 minute piece of our presentation. This presentation will be about our …