When you’re already stressed because of your online classes and then your power goes out:
Author: Cat Kinde
Defending the Contract
This semester has certainly created a very interesting experience for this project. Luckily for us, even before COVID-19 impacted our project, the majority of our resources were already online, so that did not change much. However, there were still parts of our contract we had to revise because of it. The biggest dent the Coronavirus …
Group Update April 14
Hi everybody! Unfortunately not in video format this time, but still informative!
Update April 2
Hi everyone! Here is our latest video update! This time sans extra sneezing and still no fun background for me because Zoom hates me.
Digital Identity
The internet forgets nothing. Absolutely nothing. Even if you think you have deleted a post or photo, more than likely it has already been shared with someone else, or the site you are using has a backup of some kind you are not aware of, or any number of other things. Essentially, it is important …
Learning about the school’s building history has been an interesting read. Most of what I learned I had little or no prior knowledge about, and it was really cool to see the transformations the school went through since it’s foundation. Out of everything I have learned, I think my absolute favorite tidbit of information, would …
Impact of Digital History on Historians and on the Practice of History
Our world has digitally and technologically zoomed ahead so quickly it is hard to imagine. We have not known a time without the internet being a couple clicks away, but my Mom went to school with a typewriter. That is an insane turnover rate. The impact of the digital world on how history is being …
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Group Update March 24
Hi everyone! Attached is the video update from our zoom meeting! (I profusely apologize for the sneezing in advance.)