The James Monroe Museum group will be working with Museum Director, Scott Harris, and the Museum to develop an immersive tour of the Museum and videos of some of the objects and items stored or on display there.
The National Park Service Cemetery group will be working with Luisa Dispenzirie, Museum Curator, and others from the National Park Service’s Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park to digitize the National Cemetery register and to create a map that links that register to the information we know about the soldiers buried there.
The State Historical Markers group will be building on the work of previous Digital History students ( and to create a new digital history project looking in new ways at the many historical markers in Virginia.
The structure of the class is such that we’ll spend the first four weeks looking at examples of Digital History/Digital Humanities and being introduced to a “digital toolbox” from which you and your group will chose as you decide on the shape of your project. Then you and your group will propose a contract for the project. Once I approve that contract, you’ll work on that the rest of the semester.