Problems in a growing digital world

As the digital world keeps expanding, this history world is keen on transferring its on paper practices to digital. It seems that one of the largest problems that historians have with a growing number of platforms is keeping its professional and uniform guidelines. The article Guidelines for the Professional Evaluation of Digital Scholarship by Historians reads, “Despite … Continue reading Problems in a growing digital world

My website This is my current professional blog. I have sent it out to a few employers. Some of the choices I made on it aren’t inherently professional like the fonts and the pictures.  Since I am going into animation after undergraduate, it only makes sense that my online presence and professional website reflects that. On … Continue reading My website

My Adventures in Digital History: Why am I taking this?

As for the requirements element, I am taking this class to satisfy the digital studies capstone requirement. Why I chose this class over the other seminar is because it frankly sounded more in line with my interests. I am not from a history background, but I know the importance of history. I’m involved in journalism … Continue reading My Adventures in Digital History: Why am I taking this?