In regards to using creative commons or public domain for our project, at first we were thinking we would like to have it as public domain, but we would have to discuss it with the James Monroe Museum because we would be posting our project on their site and they have their own copyrights set … Continue reading Week 6-Wikipedia and Creative Commons License →
Author: Digital History Blog – Sarah Godfrey
Week 5-Contracts Revised
In answering some more of the issues we would potentially have, we have found some solutions. In regards to the number of artifacts, we will start off with five and potentially grow to eight once we talk to the James Monroe Museum and can more accurately determine how long the 360 and video process will … Continue reading Week 5-Contracts Revised →
Week 4- Contracts
It seems like our biggest issue with the contract is going to be getting the physical 360 camera, figuring out what software we are going to us the camera through, and managing our time through the editing phase. In order to help manage our time, we have broken down the a timeline from which we … Continue reading Week 4- Contracts →
Site Reviews
For our site, we need to make something that is easy to use but not overly simplistic that it looks bad or is boring. It also needs to look nice and aesthetically pleasing. I found that the sites that don’t look are ones that I don’t stay on for very long. What’s the point if … Continue reading Site Reviews →
Why I’m taking Digital History
I decided to take digital history because I thought that for my last year, it would be beneficial to gain more experience and knowledge of digital resources and technologies that can be applied to different historical fields to better accomplish certai…