Mission Statement: This project was completed in association with the James Monroe Museum. Our goal is to integrate technology and history through the lens of the James Monroe Museum’s collection. We aim to make history exciting and accessible to all. The baseline of this project was to create a 360 tour of the James Monroe … Continue reading Reflection →
Author: Digital History Blog – Sarah Godfrey
Mission Statement: This project was completed in association with the James Monroe Museum. Our goal is to integrate technology and history through the lens of the James Monroe Museum’s collection. We aim to make history exciting and accessible to all. The baseline of this project was to create a 360 tour of the James Monroe … Continue reading Reflection →
Week 14- Finished Project
We finished our project! Everything is now uploaded on to the website. All of the videos have closed captions, are on the hotspots page, and are within the 360 videos. Other pages, such as the 3D artifact project and Google Arts and Culture are also embedded within the 360. The Timeline and StoryMap provide more information … Continue reading Week 14- Finished Project →
Week 13
Our project is coming along nicely. We are working on powering through the film editing and overlaying the voice overs. I am currently working on closed captions, but I have to wait on most of them until the videos are done and have been posted to Youtube. We also wanted to take past James Monroe … Continue reading Week 13 →
Week 12-Hypothe.is
Hypothe.is is a very interesting concept. I have never used it before, and I find it both strange and useful. Leaving comments on articles is very useful and something that I wish I knew I could do before this class. There have been plenty of times when I have wished that I could just write right … Continue reading Week 12-Hypothe.is →
Week 11-Storymap
I finished the Storymap and uploaded it to the website. I just converted the Timeline information (which we got from the James Monroe website) into a physical local. It is a bit shorter as many of the timeline points happened at the same places, so I just combined some of the timeline pages into single … Continue reading Week 11-Storymap →
Week 10
The biggest changes for historians in the digital age is the availability of resources online. Many sources, especially primary sources such as letters, are now online in digital archiving websites. Rather than journey to Boston or England or wherever to find the original copy of a source, you can just look at a photo copied version online. On … Continue reading Week 10 →
Week 9- 5 Lessons on Digital Identity
Lesson One: (from chronicle.com) Make sure your familiar with a site, its community, and its settings before you sign up. The more participation and productivity, the more present the sites and information will becomes. Check, double check, and triple check your privacy settings. One of the easiest ways to create a distinct identity for yourself … Continue reading Week 9- 5 Lessons on Digital Identity →
Week 8-Update
Last week we planned to meet with Jared and finish recording the videos of the last few objects to highlight for the 360 tour, unfortunately due to time conflicts we were unable to meet. However, this did not set us back in our timeline for getting things done. We are still on track in completing … Continue reading Week 8-Update →
Week 7-Google Maps
This week I decided to play around with My Maps in Google in order to familiarize myself with using it. I mapped the wineries that are along the Monticello wine trail around Charlottesville, VA and nearby areas. I then rated the wineries based on level of interest in visiting the locations. I rated each one … Continue reading Week 7-Google Maps →