On Monday evening, we turned in the first draft of our project. On Tuesday in class, we outlined our presentation. As we have 7 in our group, it is difficult to ensure that everyone speak on some topic that they are familiar with. Having outlined the presentation, which we intend to practice on Thursday, we … Continue reading “Week 15 Progress Report”
Author: Adventures in Digital History
Contract Defense
As part of the Fredericksburg Historical Markers project, my group members and I were in a particularly unique position of creating our project to our exact liking, given that we did not have an organization to report to, like other projects in the course. This particular condition provided us the opportunity to dream big, with …
Creating a Digital History Project….
When I sign up for this class last fall, I’m not quite sure what I expected. I kind of knew what digital history was, but I didn’t have a great understanding. When we first got the assignment it was to create a new 360 tour for the museum. That seemed really difficult and yet overly […]
Week 14 Progress Report
On Tuesday, we presented our progress to the class. As we’d used our workday to present to Luisa, our progress was not very great. However, after class, Marianne and I met with Angie, and uploaded all the metadata from our beautifully completed spreadsheets. She showed us exactly what they had to look like in order … Continue reading “Week 14 Progress Report”
So this is a little late, but last week we worked with Hypothes.is to update the Digital History book. It was quite interesting. The section I worked on what regarding ownership of online sources. Most of the annoations I made were actually not regarding policy changes, as those have remained pretty steady, but complications to […]
Final Steps
With the project being due on Tuesday next week we are finishing up fine details and fine tuning little things. For me personally, that means a list of website edits including things that need to be done amd others we’d like to have done. I need to add final featured images on the site to […]
Week 12/13 Progress Reports
These past two weeks have been incredibly trying for our group. We have had to make some difficult decisions about our metadata spreadsheet very quickly. Additionally, we have had to enter all 500 pages of the register, equaling about 15,000 separate entries. We originally only included running numbers, but decided to go back and include … Continue reading “Week 12/13 Progress Reports”
Comparing Progress with Our Contract
When we first started the project, we progressed in our tasks than any of us could have anticipated. However, as time has gone and we’ve gotten to a part of the project that takes some more fine tuning, our deadlines have started catching up with us. Due to scheduling conflicts and Spring Break we finished […]
Academic Shifts for a Digital World
As an undergraduate student, I rely almost exclusively on digital platforms for research. My accessibility to content, like primary and secondary sources, is dependent on whether or not that information in the UMW library digital catalogue. While the web is increasingly becoming a space for students of history, we are still in the process of convincing …
Changes in Digital History
Digital history is still a relatively new field that has evolved greatly during its growth. One key change that comes in many forms is that historians have had to learn to accept the good with the bad when it comes to online resources. Blevins describes some of the main “uses” of digital history: archiving, digitizing, […]