2018 James Monroe Museum Contract
- Mission statement
In partnership with the James Monroe Museum we plan on making a series of projects to aid the experience on the James Monroe Website. We will be updating the 360 tour for the museum. We also plan on updating the timeline of James Monroe by using the tools Timeline JS and also creating a JS Storymap. The last thing that we plan on doing is a series of videos that will feature 5-10 important artifacts in the museum currently.
We expect our audience will be majority high school and middle school students. The James Monroe Museum is not accessible as a field trip location if the students are not from Virginia, so the website will be a place where the students can still experience the museum from their own classroom. Our hope is that the online components will encourage people to come and visit the museum.
As for advertising, the 360 tour, the videos, and the timeline will be originally hosted on our own WordPress site, but we hope it will eventually be embedded into the museum’s website. That is how we will gain traction and be able to have our work seen.
We plan on having this project last as long as possible beyond us. The rooms in the museum do not change often and the artifacts stay relatively the same. The 360 tour should be viable for a few years. The videos will always stay relevant because we are picking the most important artifacts for James Monroe to feature. The timeline will also live on because Monroe’s life timeline is not expected to change.
- Tools planning on using
- WordPress: platform for website.
- Youtube: We plan on using Youtube to store our artifact videos that we will then embed on our WordPress site.
- 360 Camera: We plan to use a 360 Theta Camera and Theta editing system to create the 360 tour of the museum. For editing purposes, we will embed the 360 tour onto WordPress.
- Photoshop: We will be using Photoshop for editing artifact images.
- Timeline: We will be using Timeline JS to track James Monroe’s life. The museum features many artifacts from throughout Monroe’s life so the timeline, and potentially the storymap, can put an order to the artifacts that visitors see in the tour.
- Storymap: We may be using Storymap JS to document James Monroe’s travels and build on existing timeline on JMM website. This will include photographs along with dates.
- Final Cut Pro: We will be using Final Cut Pro to edit the artifact videos.We will be using both a camera from the HCC and cell phones with video software.
- ThingLink: Hotspots within 360 Tour to link to artifact videos.
- Audacity: We will be using Audacity to edit sound for voice overs for artifact videos
- Schedule of milestones (when critical pieces are completed and/or ready to present)
- Email and ask what artifacts they want spotlighted, possibly coming in after hours to film: Already completed. First filming date is set for 2/20/18. Jared said he had 5 artifacts ready, but has not said what they were. Next filming date 2/27 to video more artifact videos.
- Video Tour Step I: Film museum tour and artifacts
- 4/1-More filming for artifact videos and if we need to re-do shots.
- Filming finished by March 15th -Principle photography has been completed in regards to the 360 pictures.
- Half of 360 tour by February 20th; All of tour photography has been completed by February 20th.
- Additionally filming for artifacts:
- First filming day is February 20th, finish filming for at least 3 artifacts
- 2/27-Second filming for artifact videos and any re-do of 360 tour photos.
- Make decision for editing more artifacts videos by March 13th
- Artifact options: strike out means finished. Rest of artifact videos finished filming by 2/27
- Two paintings
- Skeleton clock
- China
- Jewelry
- Monroe Desk
- Guns?
- Apron
- Cabinet Furniture
- Pianoforte
- Record voice overs for artifact videos
- Make contact with actors by March 3rd
- Record voices by March 28th
- Video Tour Step II: edit footage using Final Cut Pro for artifact videos for the 360 tour
- Finish 360 tour by March 28th
- Finish Editing artifacts videos by April 5th.
- Timeline-James Monroe’s life
- March 1st -information on James Monroe’s travels and a digitized version of current timeline on JMM website.
- Website editing: WordPress
- Artifact videos up by April 12th
- Website finished by: April 19th
- Embed all parts
- Ambitious goals: If after completing the above parts we still have additional time, we would try tackling some of the following:
- QR Code Reader: Link to videos: create QR codes that the museum can put up near the artifacts that visitors can then use to access artifact videos and gain more information about what is in the museum.
- Intro 360 tour with text and music: Artistic sweep through the museum with music from the early 1800s and some general information about James Monroe to draw people into the museum and get them to go through the tour/visit.
- JS StoryMap: Create a Storymap highlighting James Monroe’s travels.
- Schedule of milestones (when critical pieces are completed and/or ready to present)
- Basic division of labor
- Kelly:
- Head 360 tour: lead in filming and editing for the 360 video
- Filming and editing support with artifact videos
- Website support
- Lesya
- Head video filming and editing for artifact videos
- Hotspot through ThingLink
- Video support for 360 tour
- Website support
- Kasey
- Research for Timeline/Storymap and artifacts
- Video editing support
- Website lead
- Filming support for 360 and artifacts
- Voiceover liaison: In charge of getting voice actors to do the voiceovers for the artifact videos.
- Emily
- Head communication liaison: In charge of emailing museum curators, so that we have one central point of communication
- Research for Storymap/Timeline
- Editing support for website
- Video editing support
- Closed Captioning
- Sarah
- Storymap/Timeline creation lead
- Research for timeline and artifacts
- Video editor support
- Filming support
- Kelly: