From looking at the History and Discussion tabs of many Wikipedia history entries, I never realized how much conversation when on about the content on the sites. I also never realized how frequently they are updated. Most of the pages I looked at have been updated within the month. Some of the discussion I noticed were questions regarding sections that people thought needed revision, as well as opinions on the validity and accuracy of the information. People also comment explaining what edits they made. Most of the discussion focuses on how each specific page can be improved, which is the purpose of the Discussion tab. Because each page is so heavily discussed, I think it makes Wikipedia a more valid source of information than I once thought. Each page is constantly being red-over and improved, most of whom seem to be intelligent people. Additionally, at the top of the pages, there is a message reminding editors to use goodwill and write with non biased views while discussing the information.
The Creative Commons license that our website could use is the Attribution-NonCommercial license. According to Creative Commons, “this license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge you and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms”. This will allow others use the information and change it as they would like, without getting financial gain while still giving us credit. Due to the nature of our project, some of the information will change over time, so editing our site will be necessary. This license will allow others to edit our site, while still giving credit where it is due.