Week #6 Copyright and Wikipedia

1) Look at the History and Discussion tabs of several Wikipedia history entries and write about what you see. 2) Consider what Creative Commons License you might use for your own site. What role does copyright play in the resources you are working with this semester?

1a) Ant Page

History: Over 500 edits
Some people add information, others take it away and a few fix links to media
People that make edits make more than one edit at a time
Discussion: One can see where people changed parts of the page
People add links to other helpful websites
1b) Baseball Page

History: People added links and books to the page for further reading for internet users
Tagging page???
Date maintenance
Reversions of edits
Discussion: Some edit requests have been answered
Very little discussion when compared with the Ant Page

1c) Potato Chip Page

History: Same person made over 10 edits in multiple categories
Undid revisions and reverted
This page has been visited very frequently over the past two months when compared
to the other two pages
Discussion: Some discussion is going on but not much

2) Since my group and I are working with primary source artifacts, it is very important that we are aware of the copyright information regarding these objects
