Slaughter-Murray Group Update

We are in the home stretch for our project now, and will be finished with everything after the weekend so we can give the website one final look through before it is due on Tuesday.  There are only a few things we have left to accomplish.  Firstly, we must complete the StoryMapJS to trace the movements of Private George Murray during the war.  We are about 3/4 of the way done with this, and only three to four more locations need to be added.  Secondly, we must finish putting together the introductory video for the front page of the website.  Kim and I did a voice-over for it last week, and we are now in the process of adding in pictures and music in appropriate locations to match the narration.  We worked on this for about 5 hours on Tuesday, and now that we have the software figured out (we had to switch to using Final Cut Pro, which is more straightforward, from iMovie so our contract will likely need to be tweaked a bit to accommodate this), it should be a much faster process.  We completely finished 45 to 50 seconds of the video, have pictures plugged into other places, and have a folder full of more images in our Google drive folder, so it will just be a lot of importing to finish it up on Thursday afternoon.  Lastly, Breck and I need to finish the bibliography, which, now that we have accumulated many pictures for the video, has grown considerably.  Between the two of us, however, we should be able to work through this quickly.
