Search The Web.

This week we were assigned a list of websites to look through and pick apart, in order to get a greater understanding for the creative possibilities to further our options for the final group website. After looking through these sights I realized the potential for the site, and it is honestly a bit exciting. One of the sights ( really showed the wide range of historic portrayal capable through a single web page. With mapping, links, and captions. Another page I looked at was the winner of the DH (digital History 2014) award for best data visualization. With this award/title I expected to be blown away, but maybe had expectations that were to high. To me the sight seemed basic, and I will admit it is probably because I do not know what it took to create the visuals, and the interface. The sight seemed to be filled with hyperlinks and the information that is provided seems to be scares. The site that surprised me the most was ( this site offers an amazing visual aspect that was not met by some of the other links provided. The layout of the site is very simple and clean while also providing an intuitive interface that can be utilized without strain. I am not yet sure what parts will be able to utilize in our group project, but after looking through the catalog of websites proved I am now optimistic of our endless possibilities.
