Recently, we met with Kyle Allwine from Admissions to discuss the ways we could bring traffic to our future site. The talk went swimmingly as we constantly threw ideas at each other. We talked about putting up billboards around campus to encourage students and faculty test out the various technology within the building. We also came up with the idea of having QR codes around that would send anyone to our site, so they check out the rooms and services for themselves.
After a group discussion, we decided to to keep the option of video interviews open to everyone, but we believe that we have to video interview President Hurley since the building has his name. We have fourteen possible candidates to interview and it would be great if we could get to them all, but if worst comes to worst, I believe 7 or 8 should be enough input on the building and their involvement. We plan to split up and do the interviews in order to get them all.
Before I conclude this small update, I would like to talk about the group’s plan for this week. We each will be doing our own research on the Convergence Center while also trying to the perfect WordPress theme for our site. We need to make sure that it works on both mobile and desktops if we plan on doing the QR codes mentioned earlier. Part of that research requires us to take a small tour around the building to make sure we understand everything ourselves. Once we do that, our next step is to put together the timeline for the building.