Halfway there

It is the halfway point in the semester and it is time to talk about where the group is with the letters.  Everything seems to be going well right now; we have a website, the letters have been scanned and transcribed (as best as they can be, some words are difficult to make out) and the group is well on schedule to being done.  At this point, all that is left is to actually put the letters on the website and anything extra we may want to do.  Before uploading the letters though, we are waiting on approval to use the Omeka plugins we requested which would make formatting a lot easier.  Without these plugins, it is possible that a single uploaded item in the wrong order could mess up the entire site later on so the sooner we get permission, the sooner we can upload everything with confidence.

Our future plans, aside from the letters themselves, are to create a front page, put up pictures of Slaughter and Murray’s belongings and Slaughter’s gravestone, and record readings of Slaughter’s letters.  Recording Murray’s letters may be difficult as many of his letters are missing various words.  Moving forward, our group plans to continue to do our best and we should have everything finished by May/late April.
