Digital Identity: 5 Lessons

I’m not as active as I once was on social media, but I do understand the opportunities it can provide if executed properly. Here are some of the pages I viewed: Footprints In The Digital Age, Personal Branding In the Age Of Google & McClurken.

1. Find users/bloggers that post meaningful content that you are interested in or can relate to. Follow them and respond to their posts. That person will more than likely follow you back.

2. Be cautious of the content you post online. It might cost you your job, future employment, or an arrest. All it takes is a Google search.

3. Educate the younger generation on how to use social media and other online platforms properly.

4. Network with like-minded individuals who share the same passion as you. Hashtag technology brings people together. Always use hashtags in your posts.

5. Aside from blogs and social media, it is crucial to have an online portfolio/resume site for professional opportunities that displays your work and accomplishments.

Digital Tools: Timeline & Map

Story Map


These tools bring back memories from past digital courses like DS106 and Intro to Digital Studies. It was cool getting familiar with them again, but I was a bit disappointed that I could not embed my work on my blog (I even installed the iframe plugin). Other than that small issue, it was pretty straight forward and easy to use as I remembered.

Both my map and timeline are based off the captures/escapes of the notorious drug kingpin, “El Chapo”. Each tool allowed me to add the necessary text and media to present my topic visually and clear.

For my groups project, I think we want to incorporate similar elements on our website, such as a timeline, maps and good quality photos with clear and precise text. Our aim to have a nice clean layout with no clutter.


Digital Tools & Website Feedback

Between these three platforms, I am more familiar with WordPress and it’s capabilities. Whether it’s used as a blog or a full blown website, you have the ability to customize to your liking and add various media content with ease. Zotero is new to me, and other than managing online references quickly and easily, I’m not sure what else it could be good for. Omeka is new to me as well, but seems to a good platform for my groups project. We will be digitizing diaries from the Civil War and Omeka will allow us to add each item with metadata into collections with a clean display. There are some cool plugins as well.

 9/11 Living Memorial Digital Archive

The page is clean and is not flooded with a bunch of tabs on the side panel. It has a featured at the top and it changes every time the page is refreshed. Good metadata and photos (which can be enlarged). The search tab is cool if you know what you want to look for. There is no home tab, you have to click on the top banner to get back to the homepage (not a big deal).

Imagining The Past 

The layout could use some work and the About page was a bit plain (only one sentence). I did not like the way the tabs/links within each different page were displayed (it was kind of al over the place in certain areas). Exhibits were cool and content was text heavy.

Guided Age Murder

Love the interactive maps and photos that enable you to explore the city. Great content throughout. Nice addition of the Home button, we look to add one as well to our site.

Emily Davis Diaries

I like the feature and comment sections on this page. The keywords/tags at the bottom was tacky and I would have put the About section on a separate tab.

How Did They Make That?

Nothing really positive to say about this blog. It’s obvious that it is a WordPress site and flooded mostly with text and links. Really boring and needs some updating (although it is used as a personal blog).


Intro (Digital History)

I signed up for this class to meet the capstone requirement for my Communication/Digital Studies major. After reading a brief introduction about the course last semester, it became more appealing. To be honest, History was never my favorite subject in grade school, but I look forward to learning more about the transformation from then and now (analog to digital) and apply some of my digital skills throughout the semester. Being that the class is half history and half digital studies minors/majors, I think it’s a great opportunity for everyone to learn from each other and produce some quality projects.
