I put my resume on my blog under the “Resume” tab. I have never put this document online before, nor really spent much time with it period, so I am anxious about getting feedback and suggestions for improvement. After I have a more polished resume, I would like to create an account on LinkedIn to make it easier for potential employers to find me. My faculty mentor in the College of Education strongly suggests that I create an account, so I am looking forward to finishing my resume and networking with him as well as with my other professors. The one area that I need some direction with is the “Highlights” section where I list all of my skills. I am never sure what to put here.
Month: March 2016
#9 Week Digital Resume and Project Update
Digital Resume:
I was surprised at how much I enjoyed creating a digital resume. I expected the assignment to be very difficult and stressful, but with help from the Digital Knowledge Center I was able to create the website I wanted. As a result of completing the assignment, I feel even more confident in using digital technology, specifically WordPress.If you would like to see my digital resume you may se it at
James Monroe Museum 3D image and Video Project:
Last week my group and I were very productive. We successfully 3D scanned three objects including a shoe, a bicorn hat and a pair of pistols (guns). Additionally, we recorded two 1-2 minute videos of Jarod talking about the two pistols and the Napoleon chair. We were also able to videotape the objects by themselves to edit into the videos with Jarod.
Digital Resume and Small Project Update
Wasn’t quite sure if I needed to make a blog post about this, but I ended up recreated my Digital Resume/Portfolio.
It’s a work in progress, but it has a few of the works that I am pretty proud of, like my interactive fiction games. I suggest that if you want to play one of them, play the Pokemon one because the Fire-Man game is a bit weird without knowing the context of the class that I created it for. I listed my Privacurity site as well, so you can visit and maybe learn how to keep yourself safe online.
Anyway, here’s the link: http://boscoe.net/
So far for the HCC Project, we’ve completed two interviews. We originally scheduled two for last Friday, but one of our interviewees cancelled. The President Hurley one went really well, but we had a little bit of trouble with the microphones. The interview with Hall Cheshire was better since we didn’t have any mic troubles and we got a lot of information from him. I’m currently working on the videos to upload to YouTube, so we can begin to embed them on our site and show them to the class for the next presentation. We have more interviews on Monday and Friday, but I’m not worried.
Week #8 5 Things I learned about Digital Identity
Five Lessons I learned about Digital Identity
I looked at these three websites:
1. It is the responsibility of school teachers and administrators should be teaching students how to use the internet to their advantage by modeling how they use online resources for networking.
a. How would this work in an academic setting? At what age would students begin to learn how to make and sustain an online profile and network. How would students be evaluated? Would there be personal learning network projects? How would digital skills and knowledge fit in with current curriculum standards?
2. A person should use their real name on the internet but be careful not to disclose personal information online.
3. The technology shift makes students more knowledgeable about technology than adults.
4. C.V. stands for resume online. How are the two equal? What does CV mean?
5. In order to improve your online profile, post as many positive things online as possible because other people could post information online that is negative about you. Everyone has the power to influence what information is available about a person online. There can be two or three other people with your name and it is important that the possibly negative information on their websites does not come up before your positive information does.
Week #7 JMM Update
This week my group and I prepared for our ten minute presentation on Thursday about our group’s progress, we attempted to scan a bicorne hat at the James Monroe Museum and we presented information about our group project.
Using a large lazy susan and an xbox connect we attempted to 3d scan the bicorne hat. Unfortunately though, the xbox connect was not connecting correctly with one of the group’s computers so we were unable to use the scanning technology. Luckily, in addition to renting the xbox connect to 3d scan the museum objects, we also rented a iPad that has an app to take 3d scans of objects. While we successfully scanned the bicorne hat, we did not successfully email the file to our email addresses and do not have the completed scan.
Digital Resume
Though it has been a while since I used my site this way, it was made to be a digital resume showcasing some of my work. After about a year and many blog posts later, my site more or less switched purposes from a resume to just a blog that I post to semi-regularly. Looking back, my site is a victim to lack of maintenance as I hardly touch it anymore unless I am making a post. In the future, I will have to start using this site more as my resume as well as a blog site so viewers will be able to see what I have recently done as well as my thoughts and opinions on varying subjects. Of course, I will have to make various changes to how the site looks, throw in some pictures (of myself and my work), embed some videos or anything else I have been working on, etc. I’ll need to take care of this site like I take care of my regular resume, with more attention and updating with everything I am doing/have done.
Digital Resume
I have added a section to my site to display my resume for the time being; At a later point, I may make an entirely new site under my domain name for the purpose of highlighting my resume and linking to other sites and projects I have done.
Digital Identity: 5 Lessons
I’m not as active as I once was on social media, but I do understand the opportunities it can provide if executed properly. Here are some of the pages I viewed: Footprints In The Digital Age, Personal Branding In the Age Of Google & McClurken.
1. Find users/bloggers that post meaningful content that you are interested in or can relate to. Follow them and respond to their posts. That person will more than likely follow you back.
2. Be cautious of the content you post online. It might cost you your job, future employment, or an arrest. All it takes is a Google search.
3. Educate the younger generation on how to use social media and other online platforms properly.
4. Network with like-minded individuals who share the same passion as you. Hashtag technology brings people together. Always use hashtags in your posts.
5. Aside from blogs and social media, it is crucial to have an online portfolio/resume site for professional opportunities that displays your work and accomplishments.
Digital Identity and Resume
With the exponential growth in technology over the recent decades it is clear to see, the world around us has changed greatly. From the beginning of the internet, to the flourishing social connectivity it has become and provides. The benefits with the growing fields in technology seem to have an endless cumulative significance to many aspects of everyday life, from friends to work and studies creating a Digital Identity.
As an individual living in this technologically inclined society we need to ask: How does this all affect me, and what is my digital identity? To answer these questions I have to take into account all aspects of my limited tech-savvy life style. The most popular place to look into for an individual’s Digital Identity would first be Facebook. When looking at my digital social media history Facebook, Instagram, and videos, I have no harmful posts, or pictures that would hinder any sort of resume or background search. In the past I have not written posts about anything derogatory or anything towards an individual or group calling them out. I have made very few posts, mostly pictures of family or church gatherings on facebook, and what I think to be artistic nature posts on Instagram.
When looking at all other aspects of my social identity, or parts that are not controlled by myself, maybe a few newspaper articles in some town archives where I grew up showing patriotism or honoring a trip to a national choir competition. Also there would probably be some articles on my Year of full time volunteer service through City Year and how I was the Keynote speaker, and some school archives probably have my name in some graduation database. I know that I personally need to start building and working on my professional Digital Identity to round my online image.
In the next week or so I will be working on my digital Resume, working and thinking about what and what not to include. Also, this will have me thinking of who or why I am making the resume for. Updates to come.
5 Lessons about Digital Identity
I’m not one for posting Buzzfeed-esque posts so I’ll just get to it. These are five things I learned/found important when looking at sites detailing one’s digital identity.
1) If I want people to consistently know what you’ve done, I should maintain my site. I need to make sure the site or any parts of it have not expired in order to not give any errors when checking the site and I need to keep posting to it to maintain a professional appearance.
2) Everything on the internet lasts forever. If someone posts anything with my name on it, it will come up in a Google search, I will have to make sure these posts are generally good or the consequences will be bad.
3) With a bit of help, some blogs can quickly become famous around the world. At this point, writers can ask their audiences for suggestions on what they should work on.4) Keep the front page simple. Most people are impatient and do not like reading, if there is something I want the readers to know, make it clear in the beginning.
5) Organize the site. If there are multiple talents I want people to know about, I will have to separate them on the site so viewers can find what they are looking for easily.