Final project update / preview

1-1The hard part is over! I finished my sculpture on Sunday, I waited cautiously for everything to set and the glue to dry for a day before calling it. Today I focused on getting the 3D imaging done. It was a little daunting, and as I write this my phone is currently analyzing all the images. I was surprised to find out that the maximum allowed shots for any given image is 70, so I’m crossing my fingers that the images I took once complied will be sufficient to produce a detail model. I hope to be able to tweak and clean up the model tonight before calling it finished. I also took photos throughout my process this weekend that I’d like to share on a separate post so I’ll be doing that as well as finishing my reflection tonight.

I’m feeling positive about the way things are coming together. I’m going to hope that the 3D model doesn’t give me too much trouble, and that’s really my only concern about now, I expect to complete everything tonight. I’m excited to present my work to the class tomorrow as well as see everyone else’s projects!


Here is a little preview, I don’t want to give too much away 🙂
















